Updated About

Welcome to our page!  Belle and Angel Bonnie Pups, littermates and American Standard Golden Retrievers were our first Goldens and joined our family in 2012.  Bessie Pup, a British Cream Golden Retriever joined our family in 2014.  And Bea Puppy, an American Standard Golden Retriever joined our family in August 2020. Linus (2013) and Lucy (2002) Kitties round out our precious, goofy and loveable crew. 

Belle who was born in June of 2012 is our taker carer pup. She is the most laid back but keeps an eye on all of us.  If one of the others isn’t listening Belle will give them a look and they instantly obey. Seriously I’ve seen it happen over and over again.  Oh and she totally loves her squeaky tennis balls.

Angel Bonnie,(Belle’s littermate) who suddenly passed away at the age of 8 in October 2020 was outgoing, mischievous and a bit anxious although she had a big heart. She always knew when someone didn’t feel good or was sad and would go and kindly sit next to them so they could pet her for as long as they wanted to.  She was a very special pup.

Bessie who was born in September of 2014  is vocal, outgoing, and loves, loves, loves her stuffies. She keeps her eye out for Imaginarywhatchamacalits and always lets us know when they are in the yard. 

Beatrix aka Bea who was born in July 2020 is still showing us who she is.  She and Bonnie had a special bond during the few weeks that they were together. Belle and Bessie have taken over the task of showing Bea the ropes. Bessie is teaching Bea about the outside world, how to track moles and mice, how to spot those imaginarywhatchamacalits and which outside noises to pay attention to and which ones to ignore.  Belle is teaching her how to snuggle, how to share toys and makes sure she knows when it’s time to settle down. Bea is a champion table surfer, and never met a stuffy or chewy toy that she didn’t like.   She loves to learn new things and keeps her My Margret and My Greg on her toes!

Linus is a long haired kitty. He was born in June 2013 and thinks he is a golden retriever 🙂  Linus likes to “help” us by usually being where he shouldn’t be.  He loves being around people except when he doesn’t. He excels in cuddling with his people.

Lucy kitty is also a long hair kitty and was born June 2002 so at 18 she is our matriarch, she basically has turned most of her taker carer duties over to Belle pup but she still keeps an eye over all of us to make sure we all stay in line.

Thank you for joining us in our day to day adventures with our three pups and two kitties!   I hope we bring a smile and perhaps a chuckle or two to your day.

2 responses »

  1. Aw Noodle, Thank you! The Pups, Kitties and I appreciate it. I’ll work on taking care of the fine print steps. Although I might have to ask your mom how to do a couple of them. Thanks again! Cuddles and hugs .

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