Belle Update



Since I keep watch over everyone in my home I tend to not let My Margret know when I don’t feel good. She is learning that my “I don’t feel good” signals are very subtle and she’s getting better at figuring it out.

Day 3 of medicine and I feel so much better already that I gave My Margret my tennis ball for a game of catch at 5:15 this morning.  I mean doesn’t everyone play ball when they first wake up?

~this is Belle “the I’m feeling better and it shows” Pup for the rest of the pups and kitties.


13 responses »

  1. We have a little boy (Alcide) who loves to play with his toys in the early hours of the morning 😛
    Glad you are feeling better!

  2. — Just read the blogs about Miss Belle — so glad that she is on the mend. I looked up Mometamex and it’s working. Where do these “bugs” come from???

    The pics of her were very nice — even though she was ill, she was photogenic. I think she had a good photographer too. — Off to catch up on laundry — can’t just throw the stuff away and get new stuff!!! Carolyn

    • Hi Mrs. Carolyn,
      Thanks for all the nice things you said. I hope you get your laundry done. ~ nose nudges Belle

    • Hi Cupcake!
      You are right medicine and the cheese it’s in is amazing.
      Zero o’clock, I like that and need to tell My Margret . She can use it to tell the Bouncy One that it’s too early to wake up. ~ nose nudges Belle.

  3. You must have, like a bird, a strong “I’m not sick, don’t eat me” instinct. 🙂 Seriously, so glad you are feeling better, beautiful girl.

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